Sunday, March 22, 2020

Animal Cells Essays - Organelles, Cell, Endoplasmic Reticulum

Animal Cells ANIMAL CELLS My cell is the animal cell It really depends on which cell you are talking about - different cells do different things. Such as skin cells. They form a barrier on the outside of the body which protects the organs and tissues inside. It stops them getting damaged by bumps and knocks and also prevents bacteria and viruses from getting into your body. The cells structure, contains the Cell Membrane keeping the cell together and controlling what substances go in and out, Cytoplasm is the water-rich matrix within a cell that contains and surrounds the other cell contents. Nucleolus is a small region that is made up of RNA and protiens,it also produces ribosomes. Mitochondria burns food molecules to release energy. This energy is used by cells to do work. This work may be building new molecules which have a particular function in the body, or it may be to produce movement. Ribosomes are often attached along the length of the ER. These manufacture proteins which pass into the i nner part of the tube they might have sugars of fats added and they fold up into the shape they need to be to carry out their function. Rough and Smoth ER. is the sythesis of proteins or transportation materials through the cell Rough ER is rought because ribosomes are stuck to its surface which gies it a rough apperance. New protiens are inserted into the rougth ER there they may be chenimcaly modified. the Smooth ER are sacks that look smooth and are not studded in which chemicals and enzymes are stored.Goli Apparatus modifies and collects and distributes molecules made at one end of the cell and used in another. Lysosomes are bags of destructive enzymes which are produced by the cell to break down complex molecules. Vacuoles are sack that store water,salts, proteins and carbohydrates.Centriole is a structure that comains microtubule protein called tubulin.cytoskeloten is a web of fibres which provide a sort of scaffolding for the cell, keepings its shape and supporting the organe lles which are inside. Cell Wall help protect the the cell from what is outside of the cell and also supports the cell. I hoped you learned alot about the animal cell I enjoyed learning about it and wish that I could of spent more time on the project and it is also amazing that we started life being no bigger than a period on this report. And that how important cells are to our life. Science

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Free Essays on Various Topics

1. Discuss the Characteristics of Developing Nations Some of the first things that come to mind when the term ‘developing nation’ is used are; backward, third-world, primitive, poverty, disease, unfortunate, and sheltered. All societies at one time or another in their existence were, in fact, considered developing nations, some develop at a faster pace than others and some seem rather stagnant in growth. There are many explanations as to why this occurs, the main determinants being cultural beliefs, including family life and ties, and economical and political ideals. Individually as well as geographically, people, tribes, families, and villages in developing, or traditional, societies are extremely distant. The text sites the main areas of deficiency in these particular societies; isolation, illiteracy, and distrust. With the lack of integration with others outside of their own group, it makes it impossible to have any differing beliefs brought about and in turn, different languages and cultures as well. You can see how this can cause a problem when one is finally faced with someone from a surrounding tribe. All of their life they have been taught that there is no other way than the way they are living, then they are blindsided with other languages and beliefs that they are not prepared to comprehend. This poses a problem for individual groups who reside in an area where there are other groups live nearby, and share a common ground of some sort for hunting or recreation of some sort, it can be a major cause of conflict. It is also noted that the combination of these issues has a snowballing result that follows; there is at first an inability to communicate with one another, which in turn brings suspicion, distrust, and detachment, which in turn brings further isolation, and causes the cycle to repeat itself over and over again. A vital makeup of life in a developing nation is a tribe or a village. Tribes are primari... Free Essays on Various Topics Free Essays on Various Topics 1. Discuss the Characteristics of Developing Nations Some of the first things that come to mind when the term ‘developing nation’ is used are; backward, third-world, primitive, poverty, disease, unfortunate, and sheltered. All societies at one time or another in their existence were, in fact, considered developing nations, some develop at a faster pace than others and some seem rather stagnant in growth. There are many explanations as to why this occurs, the main determinants being cultural beliefs, including family life and ties, and economical and political ideals. Individually as well as geographically, people, tribes, families, and villages in developing, or traditional, societies are extremely distant. The text sites the main areas of deficiency in these particular societies; isolation, illiteracy, and distrust. With the lack of integration with others outside of their own group, it makes it impossible to have any differing beliefs brought about and in turn, different languages and cultures as well. You can see how this can cause a problem when one is finally faced with someone from a surrounding tribe. All of their life they have been taught that there is no other way than the way they are living, then they are blindsided with other languages and beliefs that they are not prepared to comprehend. This poses a problem for individual groups who reside in an area where there are other groups live nearby, and share a common ground of some sort for hunting or recreation of some sort, it can be a major cause of conflict. It is also noted that the combination of these issues has a snowballing result that follows; there is at first an inability to communicate with one another, which in turn brings suspicion, distrust, and detachment, which in turn brings further isolation, and causes the cycle to repeat itself over and over again. A vital makeup of life in a developing nation is a tribe or a village. Tribes are primari...